Mcc0093683 . Daily Telegraph
DT News
Embargoed until 28 Jan .
National Grid Advanced Apprentice Nathan Hunt , 17
30m underground are National Grid's London Power Tunnels the first of which travels from Hackney to Willesden and has the capacity to supply 3/4 of London’s power .
This next part of the project is a seven year, £1 billion scheme to rewire the UK’s capital – building 32 km of tunnels 30 metres underground.
This visit is part of National Grid’s ‘Job That Can’t Wait’ campaign, which aims to increase awareness of the ‘Net Zero Energy Workforce’ that Britain needs to recruit over the next 30 years if it is to reach its target of Net Zero emissions by 2050.
Why the London Power Tunnels?
To reach net zero, we need to increase Britain’s electricity capacity by c.50% this decade to meet increasing demand for electrification in homes, industry and transport (e.g. EV charging). The London Power Tunnels are just one example of the transformation underway in Britain’s infrastructure to help deliver secure, reliable electricity that meets future energy demand.
London 23 January 2020